Huge discovery that excites Egypt: 27 sarcophagi found

27 sarcophagi that lived 2,500 years ago have been discovered near Egypt's capital Cairo. 
These sarcophagi existed during the 22. Egyptian dynasty.

Archaeologists working at the ancient Saqqara necropolis near Egypt's capital Cairo found 27 sarcophagi. Only 13 sarcophagi were found earlier this month, but 14 more were discovered later. Egypt's Minister of historical monuments, Khalid al-Anani, said 27 sarcophagi had been discovered at the ancient Saqqara necropolis, east of Cairo, which had not been opened since it was buried by archaeologists.


The sarcophagi were well preserved, El Anani added. The sarcophagi were the 22nd to reign between 943 BC and 716 BC. It is recorded that it is dated to the dynastic period and will appear after examination of who it belongs to.