Showing posts from November 22, 2020Show all
7 out of the 10 richest people in the world do the same job
Trump's surprising terms against Biden
He graduated from college at 14!
A surprising event! He came back to life as his funeral was shrouded
Germany bans it completely from 2022!
Black woman in the UK fatally punched by 8 police
LAST MINUTES! Diplomatic note from Azerbaijan to France!
The gain of Putin's "secret" love has been revealed!
The mutation that makes coronavirus 'unstoppable': 614G
SHOCK! Is Maradona dead?
Elon Musk throws Bill Gates out of his seat
Shocking Nagorno-Karabakh claim from Reuters: Turkey, Russia at odds over the vantage point
Pashinyan was hard on Russia, which asked for his resignation over the Karabakh defeat: if it is easy, come and fight the Turks
World Health Organization: expect the third wave in Europe by early 2021
The big day begins! Vaccine production is days away
Shock images from China! 14 thousand people who wanted to be quarantined due to the SARS virus tried to escape
Last News: The number of Covid-19 cases in the world exceeds 58 million