Last New News: 'Mink virus' panic on World agenda. Mutated and stronger!

After its appearance in Wuhan, China, the mutated and more powerful version of the SARS-Cov-2 virus, which devastated the world and led to Covid-19 disease, spread to four European countries and the United States after Denmark. 

For the "Cluster-5" virus, which also begins to infect humans, experts want to take precautions by making very serious warnings. 

This new mutation could turn into a more contagious and deadly outbreak, as well as disrupt coronavirus vaccine work...

According to the "Worldometer" website, which compiles current data on cases in countries and regions where Kovid-19 has been observed, 1 million 309 thousand 703 people have died due to the virus worldwide.

 The number of cases increased to 53 million 766 thousand 707, while 37 million 535 thousand 293 people who were found to have the virus recovered their health.

The world began to be awash with hopeful news of the coronavirus vaccine and news of the mutated coronavirus, first from Denmark and then from other European countries, waiting for the end of the outbreak.


About 15-17 million minks grown on farms in Denmark, the world's largest producer of mink (mink) fur, will be destroyed after the discovery that coronavirus (Kovid-19) has mutated in animals, it was announced. Health officials said in a statement that the condition (Kovid-19) could affect vaccine candidates.

In Denmark, the world's largest producer of mink fur (mink fur), the mutated virus found in Mink and called ‘Cluster 5’ has caused panic because it has the potential to make vaccines (coronavirus) less effective if spread in humans.

About 17 million Mink found in the country were buried in mass graves as part of the fight against the virus. Danish Environmental and health officials said the minks were buried in mass graves on military land near the town of Holstebro, in the northwest of the country, because there were no kilns to destroy by burning the minks.


The new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) was reported to have been found in minks grown on farms in 5 other countries other than Denmark. The World Health Organization (WHO) said in a statement that the United States, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and Sweden reported that Kovid-19 was detected in minks grown on farms here.

The new type of coronavirus that mutates is called the" Cluster-5 virus."


To date, 214 people in Denmark alone have been infected with the coronavirus seen in minks.

The mutation seen in 12 of these people has been explained as a variant (version) that has never been found until now.

As culling operations continue at 139 mink fur farms across Denmark, animal rights organizations that oppose the breeding of these animals in poor conditions for their fur are also reacting to the cull news.