Man who sold meteorite that crashed into the garden of his home for  14 million $  announces he's a millionaire

A meteorite weighing 2.1 kilograms fell on the garden of Indonesian Josua Hutagalung. When a US meteorologist bought the meteorite for £ 1.4 m/ £ 14m, Hutagalung announced it was a millionaire. The meteorite, which is said to be an extremely rare species, is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old.

Indonesian Josua Hutagalung has become a millionaire thanks to a meteorite worth £ 1.4 million that pierced the roof of his house and fell into the garden.



A Skystone fell into his garden, piercing the roof of the home of 33-year-old Josua Hutagalung, who lives and works as a coffin maker in the town of Kolang in Indonesia's North Sumatra region. Hutagalung asked his expert on studying the meteorite. Hearing that the meteorite, which weighs 2.1 kilograms, was worth £ 1.4 million, Hutagalung announced it was a millionaire.


After hearing of the incident, US meteorologist Jared Collins boarded the plane and came to Indonesia to buy the meteorite. He reached Hutagalung in Indonesia to buy the meteorite. Local media reported that Collins had bought the meteorite for £ 1.4 million by meteorite collector Jay Piatek in Indianapolis, USA. Local media reported that the meteorite was estimated to be 4.5 billion years old, saying that the meteorite is classified as a CM1/2 carbon chondrite and is an extremely rare species.