What Is Darwin's Theory Of Evolution, What Does It Say?

Just as there is no field of Science, The Theory of evolution (and evolutionary biology) is not a static field of study. 

His theoretical infrastructure, based on solid foundations, was built in 1859 when Darwin published the book known briefly as "the origin of species", whose full name is "the origin of species through natural selection or the Conservation of races supported in the struggle for life". But it didn't end with that publication, even that book was the first spark of a huge explosion. It is of great importance in terms of being the first spark, but the main important scientific results created by this field and the breakthroughs in science are not so important. Because this publication is 155 years behind us, and we have discovered a lot since then. We corrected and expanded Darwin's error on several points (especially his errors and ignorance on issues such as the numerical expansion of populations and genetics). Apart from that, the door Darwin opened has always been, and will probably always be, the basis for Evolutionary Biology. You can read our short article here to learn the current modern definition of evolution, complete and free of distortions.

Since then, many new descriptions for the theory of evolution brought in, that it's been proven mathematically that a valid theory, if it is verified with computer models, our hands touching, we all types of we observed the evolutionary process and approved all fossils, comparative anatomy, morphology, genetics, evolutionary theory predicts exactly the processes in the field of studies as a whole confirmed in the way and many more... In this way, brand new hypotheses were put forward, some of them became a strong part of the theory by being confirmed (or still not wrong) in very strong ways, some of them were refuted and forgotten. Given all these dizzying developments, findings, evidence, and research, Darwin's framework for evolution remains extremely simple and lean. In terms of understanding and explaining the essence of evolution, these definitions are still very valuable, but it is impossible to see evolutionary biology as Darwin and The Theory of evolution as he suggests. 

5 Basic Principles Of Darwin's Theory Of Evolution

If the goal is a simple narrative, as outlined by the great evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr in 1982, The Theory of evolution that Darwin first put forward can be studied through 5 basic points:
1) Evolution, taken alone, is the change in the lineage of an organism over time. This idea does not belong to Darwin and goes back to philosophers who lived before B.C. (see Theory and mechanisms of evolution). But Darwin presented an irresistible amount of evidence for this view, which he personally collected, evaluated, and explained from nature. So, until then will not have thought of such a thing and even all types of hard just did their thinking or have been created as thousands of biologist, within just a few years after studying the evidence, clearly explained, they accepted the change in the nature of the theory of evolution, they changed their mind. Since the 1880s, the scientific community has fully agreed on The Theory of evolution (more than 99% of all biologists and more than 90% of all scientists agree on The Theory of evolution).

2) Darwin's idea of a common ancestor is radically different from Lamarck's theory of evolution. Darwin is the first to suggest that species evolved by differentiating from common ancestors, and that all species must necessarily meet in common ancestors deep in history. He brought to science the view that all life can be considered a single and giant evolutionary tree. Thus, contrary to what Lamarck and others thought, it was understood that lineage lines that were firmly connected to each other evolved, not lineage lines that differed independently from each other. The common ancestor of close relatives lived in more recent times in history, while distant relatives lived in older times. For example, you probably share a common ancestor with at the moment is still your brother, and your mother and father), or you live with your cousin in the first degree a few years ago a common ancestor may have lived (large family), share a common ancestor with Neanderthals 500,000 years ago all humans lived 6 million years ago lived the common ancestor of human and chimpanzee; however, until 2.5 billion years ago lived the common ancestor of human and daisies.

3) gradual evolution is one of the cornerstones of Darwin's theory of evolution. A school of evolutionary biology known today as "adaptationism" still advocates this view of Darwin, and this is still the strongest explanation. According to this view, every feature of all living things that exist, have existed, and will exist has evolved through simple and small steps. According to this view, there are no jumps in evolution, a feature cannot suddenly exist. Alternative theories for this suggest that the main character formation in evolution evolved through periods of sudden jumps and very rapid evolution (such as the Cambrian Explosion). Although this debate is still ongoing, gradual evolution is thought to be the process that constitutes at least most characteristics of each species. Leaping evolution may be working in the formation of more specific features.

4) the change of character distribution within the population forms the basis of Darwin's theory of evolution. His discovery, after the discovery of genetics only a few decades after his death, and this discovery 100% confirmed the theory of evolution, led to the birth of a branch of science called "Population Genetics". Darwin is at the beginning of numerous revolutions in many branches of Science, and Population Genetics is one of them. It is also what makes Darwin's theory special and different. According to this discovery, specific characters within the population of a species (height length, neck thickness, etc.) observing the change in incidence over generations means that we inevitably observe evolution. None of the changes experienced in an individual's lifetime are evolution, but development. But all the changes that a population undergoes over generations must be evolutionary changes. Therefore, if the gene or character frequencies (incidence and distribution frequencies) change, evolution exists.

5) the main mechanism of evolution is natural selection. Offspring born in each generation have slightly different characteristics than their parents. Some of these traits disadvantage some individuals, while some other traits give some other individuals an advantage in survival. The advantaged survive more, reproduce more easily, and pass on the genes that make them advantageous to future generations more. Thus, when we look at it based on population and generation, advantageous characteristics increase in number and disadvantaged characteristics gradually decrease. This selection/elimination mechanism is called Natural Selection. All characteristics that evolve as a result of such selection are called adaptation. Natural selection and all these ideas that he developed accordingly make Darwin's theory strong.