What is quantum energy? - How does it change our lives?

Quantum Energy has existed as a question mark in people's minds for years. Quantum physics is the science of particles and probabilities. He suggests that the universe is made up of energy and that there is no outside independent from the inside. 

Quantum philosophy, which up to this day has disrupted all the systems of thought we consider ”logical” and invited us to break down our prejudices. Quantum philosophy is based on” Brain-Body-Soul " integrity. Quantum has proven that the most intense energy frequency known in the universe in which we live is human thought, the product of cosmic consciousness. Quantum understanding; It is argued that by programming the subconscious, man has energy that can transform his own life from infinite possibility into the particle he desires. It includes a system of understanding that detects and cleanses subconscious belief systems and fears that interfere with one's life, and supports the emergence of one's true inner power, the promotion of faith and trust in one's own. Negative energies such as fear, anxiety, anxiety, anger. It regulates with positive energies such as love, happiness, trust.

The realization that a person can create their own social realities with their own power of thought, actions aimed at consciously and systematically dominating the subconscious and procuring the mind map in favor of their own self-existence are a system of integrity and thought.

The basis of this method of thinking lies in the most important finding of quantum physics, the power of the Observer or the thinking being to shape the physical and social realities of the world.

We often witness miracles in human life. In the health of the soul and body, in unusual situations related to human relationships, we witness so many unusual events in our professional and business life. So what's the secret to all this and what's going to happen? It's all about, what's the answer to what happened and what's going to happen? We all work with one infinite power, we all find our way in the same way. The nature of the universe is so certain. It doesn't matter who we are, where we are, our color, our language, our religion and what we are. We work with one law. It's the law of attraction. Everything that happens to you, like a magnet, we attract to your life. We draw all the time we think about it and keep it in our minds. These are our thoughts. Whatever we think, you attract them to you. Then it is our thoughts that determine our lives. Whatever you believe, you meet it. Whatever you think most of all, we attract it to ourselves and become it. Thoughts become objects.

Every moment has its own thought. Or there is a constant quantum way of thinking. Quantum physics signals a discovery. He says you can't think of a universe without a mind. In fact, everything perceived is shaped by the mind. Just because we understand doesn't mean we refuse. We don't understand electricity, but we know it exists.

Philosophically, quantum thought is based on the use of a binary energy form in the form of love and fear, open to the use of humanity, from the energy poles found in the universe in the form of a binary form, subject to the ability of thought, in favor of love.

Quantum thinking is a highly qualified way of thinking. A form of creative thinking that can be deeply effective. It trades in the field of common intelligence. Ordinary forms of thought repeat themselves, are ineffective and have no limited energy, no power to change and create. It flows more in the form of doubt, delusion, obsession, depression, stray dreams.

Hold your hand and look. And look at it with an electron microscope. What will you see? Cell, see inside the cell, nucleus-atom-nucleus-neutron and proton-quark(fragment). So you only see energy waves. Everything is energy. Our planet in which we live is Earth-the solar system-the Milky Way galaxy-the universe, that is, everything in the universe is energy. Our body is nothing more than an ocean of concentrated energy. So you're not this body, you're actually an energy field under a microscope.

If you ask a quantum physicist what created the world? He replies that it is energy. If you ask what energy is, he describes energy as follows: it cannot be created, it cannot be destroyed, it has always existed, what exists cannot be destroyed, it can change form, it can exist independently of form. If you ask a clergyman the same question, he refers to you as God. He describes God as follows; he has always existed, he will exist, he cannot be created, he cannot be destroyed, he is independent of any form. Note that the recipes are the same, just different terms. All of us we are spiritual beings. We're all connected. There is only one energy. Everything in the universe is connected. Just don't see it. The universe itself is a consciousness.