What is relativity theory? E = mc2
Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, published in 1905, created a revolution at that time. So, what is Relativity Theory?
Special Relativity Theory, also known as Relativity theory, was published by Albert Einstein in 1905 in the Journal Annalen der Physik, 2, "on the Electrodynamics of moving bodies". is described in the article, and then 5. his article "can an object's excretion be linked to its energy content? it is a theory of physics reinforced by the article". According to the rule, all beings and physical events of being are relative. Time, space, and motion are not independent of each other. On the contrary, these are all related relative events.
The body is dependent on time, time on the body, space on motion, motion on space, and therefore all of them. Prior to einstain, several studies were conducted on The Theory of Relativity. Gelileo first observed this effect. At that time, this experiment was applied on boats. Descartes, on the other hand, is another researcher who thinks about the same topic. Descartes conveyed that an object will remain stationary unless a situation or something forces it to move and interfere, or vice versa, maintaining its constant speed, while a moving object will continue its same movement unless another force intervenes.
Einstein's theory combines Galileo's principle of relativity with the proposition that all observers will always measure the speed of light of the same magnitude, regardless of the state of its linear and invariant motion.This theorem cannot be perceived intuitively, but allows us to come to many interesting conclusions that have been experimentally proven. The special relativity theorem makes no sense of Newton's concept of absolute spacetime by stating that distance and time can vary depending on the Observer. Space and time can be perceived differently depending on the Observer. This theorem also shows that matter and energy are connected by the famous Formula E=mc2.
Relativity theory gives the same results as Newtonian mechanics in areas of application where all velocities are very small compared to the speed of light.The reason why the theorem is referred to by its special expression is because it is the way the principle of relativity is applied only to the framework of inertial observation. Einstein developed the general relativity Theorem, which applies to all observation frames and also takes into account the effect of the force of gravity.
Relativity theory states that concepts that we perceive as absolute in our daily lives, such as time, are relative, and concepts that we intuitively think are relative, are absolute. He says that for all observers, the speed of light is the same, no matter how it moves relative to each other. Special relativity has revealed that the coefficient c is the fundamental property of the relationship between space and time, far beyond just being the speed of a certain natural event-light. Special relativity also says that no matter can be accelerated to reach the speed of light.